Sculpting camps
Is your organization looking to add a unique event to your summer camp? Do you have the perfect sandy spot to host a group of kids. Lets host a camp together! We'll bring all the equipment, tools, and instruction, while you provide the enthusiastic kids and sand!
birthday parties
Knock your kid's birthday party out of the park with a customized sand sculpting class for all the attendees. This 2 hour class if the perfect compliment to any beach birthday party!
We can also provide the party favors in the form of sand sculpting tools for each child to bring home!
Are you looking for the perfect team building experience? Why not head to the beach and have your employees come together to build team skills and fun memories that will last a lifetime?
Schools and Homeschoolers alike, are always looking for a fun, adventurous fieldtrip or activity. Why not schedule a 2.5 hour sand sculpting class on the beach? We'll bring all the tools and equipment needed to teach sand castle construction or sea animal creation. Each class is customizable to fit your groups desire!